Mackenzie Country

A project in progress.

What is stability?

The countries, customs and traditions that shape lives, shift and change, over the generations. My countries will not be my children's. I am exploring how migration affects the family unit. Is the constant stability of a family enough to form a foundation for life when you move from place to place? When we feel far away from the people and cultures we grew up with, will it mark our lives overall?

I have started this project with a silent clip of my sons slowly walking in a new landscape.

#flags #newworld #movingimage #photography #memorystudies #growingup

Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country
Mackenzie Country